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Tournament ManagementManaging a club's tournaments can be a time consuming but core activity for many clubs providing much needed opportunities to play against a wide variety of players and update official ratings. GoClubsOnline allows the Club Administrator to offer on-line registrations for almost any design of a tournament. The list of tools (shown below) that GoClubsOnline provides is considerable. There are tools for managing the design and planning of tournaments and there are tools for managing the registration and operation of tournaments, including generating pairings.Tournament ProfilesTournaments always belong to a club and Club Administrators can add, edit, copy or delete tournament profiles for their club. CAs can:
When adding or editing a tournament, Club Administrators (CA) can specify all the attributes of a club tournament including:
When a Club Administrator has access to multiple tournaments, perhaps for multiple clubs, it can be tedious to pick a tournament each time from the main menu. By locking on to one tournament, the CA bypasses the tournament selection page. Club Administrators can access the current tournament profile and separately choose a Prize Certificate from the 60 designs available or prepare badges for all players attending. A selection of certificate designs available. Reports
Attendees' lunch orders can be collated and automatically emailed to a caterer of choice. AGA dues and surrogate membership application forms can be easily generated for any one buying AGA 'products' at a tournament for forwarding to the AGA. The report also calculates the total due to the AGA for these products. Alternatively, all the details of players paying AGA tournament fees and buying AGA memberships can be emailed directly to the AGA. Book-keeping
The book-keeping functions that work specifically with the tournament can work with money transactions captured during check-in as well as other recorded tournament related incomes and expenses. The tournament's Profit & Loss statement is also available. The sales functions show breakdowns for different types of fees 'purchased': club memberships, tournaments and AGA fees for the current tournament. The same set of book-keeping functions can be accessed for the club's finances as a whole. Attendees
Sometimes attendees will incorrectly register for a tournament. The tools under Attendees allows the CA to fix any problems, add on-site registrants or edit their existing registration. Player badges can be prepared for all attendees or individual badges can be printed when needed. Teams
If the tournament is a Team Tournament, the tools for managing Teams will show allowing the CA can manage all aspects of the teams. Pair Go/Rengo Teams
If the tournament is a Pair Go/Rengo Tournament, the tools for managing Pair Go/Rengo Teams will show allowing the CA can manage all aspects of the teams. Operations
The check-in process, usually done on the day of the tournament, records actual attendees and allows the Club Administrator to record any payments due. Multiple check-in stations can be set up for large tournaments. Depending on the format of the tournament, pairings for either an Open Section or a Handicap Section can be prepared using our Integrated Pairings module. This module is managed in its own separate area for the execution of any section of a tournament; managing rounds, pairings, byes and tracking results. After all the tournament rounds have been played, the CA can record who won what for dynamic generation of a winners report available to all subscribers and print prize certificates to hand out as awards! Export to Pairings Programs
This section also allows the CA to export a list of players for importing into an ever increasing number of stand-alone pairings program. L, M and W represent the operation system (Linux, Mac OSX, Windows) of the pairings program. Additional options may be available depending on the pairings program chosen. The [info] links to the developer's web site where available. Dashboard
Included in the club's Dashboard, there are functions to dynamically generate charts for side by side comparisons of tournaments. By analyzing this data, club volunteers may be able to identify improved ways to offer and manage tournaments in the future. |
ver: 4.2 © 2016 Copyright Robert Cordingley