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Club Book-keeping functions help clubs figure out their finances. When attendees check-in at a club event or tournament, or membership renewals are posted, the financial transaction is recorded. Club Administrators can access a variety of Book-keeping functions for an event, a tournament or for the club as a whole.


Book-keeping reports and displays can use a currency symbol of choice. As far as possible, all the currencies of the world are available. By choosing which currency to use, the appropriate symbol will be pre-pended to money amounts in displays and reports. For emailing membership dues and reminders the ISO three character currency symbol will be used in the email text. Currency choices are made in the Clubs Preferences. If your currency is not listed or listed incorrectly please email us or use our feedback form.

Club Book-keeping

  • Record a new transaction
  • Edit|View|Delete a transaction
  • Reconcile unreconciled transactions
  • Reconcile all transactions
  • Analyze transactions by category
  • Chart transactions by category
  • Export transactions (.csv)
  • View|Delete a sales record
  • Analyze sales by product
  • Chart sales by product
Path: Home>Clubs>Book-keeping

Club Administrators (CA) can enter any new transaction, either expense or income for a wide variety of categories. Transactions can be associated with an event or a tournament for its Profit and Loss statement. Transactions can be associated with a subscriber to post in the subscriber's annual club statement. Tools are available to maintain the list of transactions (much like a check registry).

The Analyze transactions function, showing how income and expenses aggregate under each category, allows "drill down" for more details. The Analyze transactions function provides a Profit and Loss report for the current year. Chart transactions shows a pie chart of how incomes and expenses are distributed for the current year. The Export function allows further analysis in spreadsheets and other .csv compatible programs.

The sales functions show breakdowns for different types of fees 'purchased': club memberships, event, tournaments and AGA fees for the current year. Neighboring years can also be examined.

Tournament Book-keeping

  • Record a new tournament transaction
  • Edit|View|Delete tournament transactions (P&L statement)
  • Reconcile unreconciled tournament transactions
  • Reconcile all tournament transactions
  • Analyze tournament transactions by category
  • Chart tournament transactions by category
  • Export tournament transactions (.csv)
  • View tournament sales
  • Analyze tournament sales by product
  • Chart tournament sales by product
Path: Home>Tournaments>Book-keeping

  • View finances
  • View AGA fees due
Path: Home>Tournaments>Reports

The same set of club book-keeping functions as shown above can be accessed for each of the club's tournaments. The profit and loss statement for a tournament lets the CA drill down to edit, view or delete tournament transactions. Analysis tools let the CA examine club expenses by category and drill down for further details.

Within the book-keeping reports is a search function that provides an easy way to find transactions by either date, payee, payor, amount, check number or memo field.

A couple of additional reports summarize the tournament's finances and any AGA fees collected that should be forwarded to the AGA. The latter also shows pre-populated surrogate AGA forms for any new memberships.

Comparisons of past tournaments' finances can be reviewed in the club's Dashboard.

Event Book-keeping

  • Record a new event transaction
  • Edit|View|Delete event transactions (P&L statement)
  • Reconcile unreconciled event transactions
  • Reconcile all event transactions
  • Analyze event transactions by category
  • Chart event transactions by category
  • Export event transactions (.csv)
  • View event sales
  • Analyze event sales by product
  • Chart event sales by product
Path: Home>Events>Book-keeping

  • View finances
Path: Home>Events>Reports

The same set of club book-keeping functions as shown above can be accessed for each of the club's events. The profit and loss statement for an event lets the CA drill down to edit, view or delete event transactions. Analysis tools let the CA examine club expenses by category and drill down for further details.

Within the book-keeping reports is a search function that provides an easy way to find transactions by either date, payee, payor, amount, check number or memo field.

An additional report summarizes the event's finances.

Comparisons of past events' finances can be reviewed in the club's Dashboard.

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