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There are two ways to integrate GoClubsOnline's tournament or event listings into a website. So what is true here for tournaments is also true for events...
  1. For a traditional HTML web site, we can provide a suitable HTML widget for the webmaster.
  2. If your website is based on WordPress we can provide a suitable plugin and a shortcode to show the widget.
In either case, clicking on a tournament (or event) name in the widget shows all the details you may have included in your tournament (or event) profile, times, prizes, rounds, etc., etc. All without having to visit or login to GoClubsOnline. The widget can also list all tournaments (or events) or just your club's tournaments (or events) listed in GoClubsOnline.

Similarly, separate widgets can be installed to display different lists of tournaments (or events). You can choose all, past, open, or future tournaments (or events). Past tournaments can also show reports on who the winners were, while any 'open' tournaments (a subset of future) (or events) can show a link for online registering. Future tournaments (or events) include both tournaments (or events) in the planning stage and in their open registration period. You can see an example of how this works for tournaments on the Santa Fe Go Club site.

If there are no tournaments (or events) in the specified list, the widget will provide an image (go related) and a reminder to visitors to login to update their profile, ready for the next tournament (or event). Holders of Club Accounts should email us for the exact requirements and whether the need is for the HTML widget or the WordPress plugin.

Separately, any webmaster is free to include the following link:
to send visitors directly to the GoClubsOnline login screen.

ver: 4.0 © 2024 Copyright Robert Cordingley