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DashboardAs part of the New Features for 2011, Club Administrators can now access a club's Dashboard to follow statistics and review trends of club membership and compare events and tournaments. Where appropriate average numbers are calculated for the events and tournaments in the period chosen. Trends are useful indicators of what might be affecting club, event and tournament performance. Relating the trends to emailings or other PR efforts can provide valuable feedback. The new displays are:
In the following examples, remember the data and events are for illustration purposes only and are all fictitious. The Event income & expense, Event youth & adult attendance trends and Event registration trends are identical to their counterpart for Tournaments. Club statisticsClub statistics provides a snapshot of some of the major parameters of a club.![]() top Membership trendsMembership trends can show how expired members convert to paid up members or not. This example shows just a few weeks into the accumulating history. Data is collected daily.![]() top Tournament (Event) income & expense trendsComparisons of tournaments' income and expenses can reveal what might make tournaments more successful. First a table shows actual numbers, including the Profit/Loss numbers and a reference number for each tournament shown in the bar chart. In this example, one tournament was attended in the selected period that had neither income nor expenses.![]() top Tournament kyu & dan attendance trendsA breakdown of double digit kyu, single digit kyu and dan attendees at past tournaments may provide insight into who finds a club's tournaments appealing. First a table shows actual numbers including totals.![]() top Tournament (Event) youth & adult attendance trendsA breakdown of adult and youth attendees at past tournaments may provide additional insight into who finds a club's tournaments appealing. First a table shows actual numbers including totals.![]() top Tournament (Event) registration trendsComparing the online registration trends may suggest different ways to promote a tournament.![]() top Tournament AGA fee trendsFinally, for those clubs that are chapters of the AGA, you can compare the sale of AGA products. In this case only two tournaments collected AGA fees, either renewals or AGA memberships or AGA tournament fees for non-members.![]() top Notice that there are options for each chart in terms of the style and the period under examination. |
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